13th packaging congress OBALKO, October 16–17, 2025


October 17 during the lunch break

WHY take part?

The aim of the BizPACK program is to mediate meetings between partners and participants of the OBALKO congress. Listen briefly and without obligation to the leading packaging industry. One meeting will take 10 minutes, and if you are interested, you can arrange a follow-up individual meeting.

WHO can take part?

Only a company which is a partner of the congress can participate in the BizPACK section from the side of offering the product. However, on the other side of the negotiating table can be anyone who is interested in learning more about the offered product. So that means you!

HOW to take part?

You can attend a BizPACK meeting by contacting the event organizer to see who you want to meet with from among the partner companies, and we will organize a schedule of meetings for you. On the day of the congress, October 19, arrive at least 5 minutes before the first scheduled meeting to the point marked as BizPACK. You don’t have to worry that you will miss a presentation – BizPACK takes place during the sufficiently long lunch break.